Friday, November 12, 2010

Risk it All

Every now and again I pose the infamous and always fun-filled question, "Would you like to play a game?" and every time, without fail, my husband responds, "Risk!" His voice cracks as he squeals the name of his ever favorite board game and he again tells me of the countless times he has started to play but has yet to ever finish a game. I usually roll my eyes, sigh, and suggest a more mutually acceptable option, like Life or Scrabble. His momentary loss of reason passes and we enjoy each other's company during friendly competition. Last night was no different - I was able to talk him into a friendly game of Battleship and I believed my task was complete. However, after a short-lived yet riveting war game I found myself under the gaze of a loving, sweet, and desperate husband.

Last evening I finally succumbed to the pleas of  the desperate man and played Risk: The Game of Global Domination. The game began with a thorough reading of the rules (a 16 page endeavor) that still left us bewildered and in the dark. A roll of the dice, the cards divided and the armies placed. Thus began the quest for global domination and the spread of Matt's power. At one point it seemed that I might actually gain control of a single continent, but alas my armies in Ukraine were defeated by the ever pressing forces from the East and my men never recovered. Countries fell at each roll of the dice; the brightness of my yellow army faded and the board was slowly stained blood red as Matt's artillery made its way West across the world. It all ended in a futile battle over the Canadian provinces. The world map stained red and the kitchen table scattered with popcorn, chocolate chip cookies, and cocoa. True love, friends, true love.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I have known games of Risk to last days... you are lucky to have gotten out of it after only one night!
