Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Surviving Deployment: A Beginner's First Attempts

I am not an expert on the subject of deployment; however, I am an expert when it comes to loving my husband. This is the only reason that I will survive this deployment. Not because I am smart or strong or confident (although those things will certainly help), but because I love my husband - that is why I will survive this deployment. It seems ridiculous but I believe it to be my source of strength these past few days. I have no experience with this - absolutely none. I am in a new place with only my dog as my constant companion. I am also madly in love with my husband. He told me that my tears break his heart, and to think that I will be sad in his absence is awful. So, I made him a promise: I will not feel sorry for myself; I will smile often and laugh out loud; I will continue to love him with all that I am. This is my mission while he is away. I will find strength in myself. I will enrich my life with wonderful and beautiful moments. I will smile often and remember that I am truly blessed. And, when all else fails I will remind myself that weaker people have overcome greater obstacles. This is my mission.


  1. I used to always get asked, "How do you do it being married to someone who deploys?" My response, "You do it because you have to." Yes there will be crappy days where all you want is someone to hold you while you cry, but those are the times that I always remembered the huge hug I would get when he came home. Keep your chin up!! :)

  2. Now that I know what's going on (smile) I am happy to support you during this lonely time. Scripture and music always help me! Hang in there, darlin'!

  3. You will survive for many reasons, Shann. One of which is because McNamara-Hollembeak women come from strong stock!! I'm always here is you need me, want to talk, or just want to Skype and watch Glee together on Tuesday nights. :-)
