Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Night Fun

Imaginary Friend: "So, what did you do on Friday night?"

Military Spouse (me): "I completed the packet required for my background check. Riveting 5 hours!"

You can be jealous - I know my Friday night rocked the socks off your night. This is just the tip of the iceberg of exciting events that happen in my household. Last night I vacuumed AND did the dishes. I almost broke a sweat. I'm just sayin'. Life is busy around here. You don't even know (unless, of course, your spouse is also currently deployed... then you know exactly what I'm sarcastically yet genuinely referring to).

Truth be told, I am so bored most nights that I watch really bad movies on Netflix; you know the kind that only have two stars. Desperation, friends, has a new face... deployment is the worst of antecedents. It leads military spouses to eat, work out, clean, sleep, read, watch really bad movies, call friends for hours, Google endlessly, talk to strangers, and worst of all... blog! It is a vile beast, but we serve our time and then poof we disappear when our soldier returns. Only to resurface for air and the occasional blog update.

Until then, please accept my sincerest apologies and deepest sympathies. I can only pray that this is remotely interesting and remarkably comical. I hope you laugh while reading this, because I do!

Enjoy your Friday night - even though we both know mine was way cooler.

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