Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Late Night Calls

Last night I went to bed early, and do I mean early! I laid my head to the pillow at 8:33pm and sweetly dozed through the night. I am nearly positive that my husband called during my slumber and I hazily recall a whispered conversation of kind and loving words. I awoke this morning and was crushed that I had not shaken myself from my deep rest to talk with him. How disappointed he must have felt; to have called from across the world to hear only murmurs and yawns of his comfortably sleeping wife. It is my sincerest hope that he calls each and every night, and hopefully the next time he calls my body and mind will jump to the ready and engage him in conversation. For now, I can only wait for the phone to ring with an indistinguishable caller listed on the Caller ID... and maybe take a nap so I won't be so tired so early.

"Good night." he says as he eats his breakfast.

"Good Morning." I whisper and fall back to sleep.

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